Now don't go on thinking that I'm writhing in pain, my face does have a pained look on it but that is pretty much normal for me. On the Graphic Rating Scale of pain measurement, using the scale 1 to 10, with one being pain free and 10 being tear inducingly excruciating, I'm at a 3 or 4. During the day, I can ignore/compartmentalize the pain by keeping busy such as blogging. (That way you get some of pain, too). But at night, the story is quite different. Since I am only allowed to sleep on my back and my right leg can only bend partway, not move to the left but only a little to the right, I just can't get comfortable. Now, there may be a position which would be comfortable but these restrictions don't allow me seek them out. Within this small envelope of allowed movement, there is no position into which I can maneuver that would alleviate the pain. So I hopelessly spend all night just slightly twisting and bending trying to get into that magic position, like a hatching pupae.
I had hoped that the Vicodin would help with the comfortable/pain portion of the sleep equation but in the last 4 nights, taking two just before bedtime gives me about 5 minutes of pain free bliss. Taking anymore to get a full night's rest just doesn't add up.
So, each night I'll take the Vicodin, afraid that without it I won't even get that 5 minutes of pain vacation. I swallow the pills, hoping that this night will be different, the Vicodin will last for hours and I'll awake refreshed and alert. Instead, I lie there each night, like a living mummy, struggling this way and that, trying to wriggle out of my linen wrappings, over and over, only to fail each time. I lie there and wonder if the surgery was worth it.
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