I was just surfing through the world wide web of the known google universe to see what other blogs are floating out there (see link). There are precious few blogs, considering how many people must be getting hip surgery. Lots of techinical stuff that I went thru but technical and therefore cold. The truth is, the real meaty literary stuff is before the surgery. That's when you're wrestling with momentous decisions like: Whether or not to do it. What types are there, who to go to, what does it involve, what's the success rate, what was that about a parts recall? There are thousands of questions. It can all be confusing, challenging and all consuming.
Recovery is just, well, recovery. Kind of painfully boring, literally. After all, the big decisions are all made. All that remains, questions are what to see on the telly. Questions that now occupy one's time are, should I blog now or later? Let's see, Valium, ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, hmmm, which color pill today. Should I nap now or later this afternoon. That sort of thing. Not particularly exciting. Not quite up to earth shattering, blog worthy, audience captivating, can't put down the book sort of stuff, eh?
There are other blogs I found, Sigrid's for one. She's selling a book. Not really interested in paying to read how someone else is dealing with this. I don't fault her for trying to make a dime from the suffering she may have had to live through. But I plan to get payback via family and friends. That's a different kind of currency, one that won't shrink while the euro swells, if you now what I mean.
Another blog site popped up, http://www.francine-hipreplacement.blogspot.com/, a quick read but not lots of musings and humor, the diversions I really need right now to get me through this. Another one : http://hipsurgerycoach.wordpress.com/2008/05/29/my-story/, took seconds to read, need to sign up and I am sooooo tired of signing up for stuff. Anyway she's done. And finally, a self described club: http://hipsterclub.com/blog.html which appears to have only a couple of members concentrated in the Los Angeles area. They may have more but, damn, I am not websmart and may be wrong. By the way, did you notice, ALL WOMEN! What's up with that? I am not a misogynist at all by the way, it just seems noteworthy. I absolutely do not intend to cast a shadow on what these people have done or are doing, Brava to them and their friends, families, and to the lives they have led, overcoming the whole hip surgery nightmare. I just don't feel connected with them at all. I don't want to be lonely in the blog sphere, but I am.
Maybe it's because hip surgery is more a phenomena of us old farts, not the younger, with it, Internet savvy world of today.
Or maybe the smart ones who are undergoing this experience are smart enough to stay on medication the whole frigging time and are just happily spaced out.
Where did I put that bottle, anyway?
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